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Senior & Special Ability Wellness Services

SharpeSkills offers a specialized field program designed to cater to the unique needs of the growing older adult population (aged 60 and above) and individuals with special abilities. This service focuses on rehabilitation fitness, helping participants who are aiming to maintain or regain full functionality following illness, injury, or mobility challenges associated with aging and disabilities.

The program is meticulously structured to aid in rebuilding muscle strength and endurance, enhancing overall flexibility, and improving mobility. Through personalized training plans, participants engage in carefully tailored exercises that ensure safe yet effective workouts, addressing their specific health conditions and mobility limitations. SharpeSkills’ approach not only focuses on physical rehabilitation but also promotes independence and improves the quality of life for seniors and those with special needs, fostering a sense of empowerment and well-being in a supportive community environment.

SharpeSkills offers a field program providing rehabilitation fitness for the growing older adult (age +60) and special ability population. Participants aiming to maintain or return to full function following illness, injury or mobility challenges associated with aging and disabilities train to rebuild muscle strength, endurance, overall flexibility and mobility

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