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Community Development Outreach Program

Central to this initiative is the collaboration with local fishermen, where participants engage in the restoration and construction of boats and fish traps. This effort not only supports the local economy but also fosters a connection between participants and traditional Jamaican maritime practices, enhancing their appreciation and understanding of the community’s cultural heritage.

Additionally, the project includes the development of community food gardens, which align with SharpeSkills’ senior services. These gardens are designed to provide fresh, locally-sourced produce to seniors and other community members, improving nutritional access and promoting healthy living. Furthermore, the initiative extends to helping families establish their own gardens at home, empowering them to sustainably produce food and fostering self-reliance.

Through these integrated activities, the Community Development Project aims to strengthen community bonds, enhance local livelihoods, and promote environmental sustainability. Participants not only contribute to tangible improvements in their community but also experience personal growth and wellness through active participation in these transformative efforts. This project exemplifies SharpeSkills’ holistic approach to wellness, combining physical health, community service, and environmental stewardship into a comprehensive wellness framework.

Fitness Circuits


Nature Art


Environmental Stewardship Project.

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